I don%26#039;t mean to sound selfish but, is there always someone out there looking for a job?
America%26#039;s unemployment rate is soooo low, but yet, I still think there are people who are trying to get the same jobs I want.
Why is the job seeking environment very competitive if unemployment is low?commericial loan
I am never sure how they come up with these unemployment numbers, our company puts a notice out for a job and we literally have hundreds and sometimes thousands of people show up for even the very basic entry jobs - we have college grads show up with MBA%26#039;s... I think someone is tweaking the numbers so that it looks like we have lower unemployment than we actually do.
Be prepared for your next job interview, make sure your resume is great and be sure you have some diversity on your resume (clubs, etc.) Make sure you dress the part, even your hair and speech should be perfected - if part of your job is phone work the company will want someone with good grammar. No overpowering perfumes and try not to ramble when you talk (I do that, can%26#039;t figure out how to stop, lol)
You will get the right job, you may have to take entry level and work your way up... Good Luck,
Why is the job seeking environment very competitive if unemployment is low?
Outsourcing and a high population is the cause of your problem. There isn%26#039;t enough jobs for people to have to they have to go as crazy as you would while looking for one. But there is a solution. Get a hook up :)|||You dont believe the government when they say unemployment is low, do you? Governments tell lies all the time. They just say there is low unemployment so other countries will invest in them. America needs lots of money right now coz it has a war to pay for - but other countries are not falling for those lies.
Oh yeah, and out sourcing the jobs to other countries doesnt help either.
Sorry unemployment is as high - if not higher than ever.|||Ok, here it is... the %26quot;unemployment rate%26quot; is based on the number of people %26quot;actively seeking employment%26quot;. Those numbers are figured based on the number of people coming through state unemployment offices. If after 6 months, a person hasn%26#039;t been actively going to the employment office, they are dropped out of the statistics. The numbers don%26#039;t take into account those folks that aren%26#039;t wanting to work (there are a lot out there), the people who are going it on their own, or the people who are using private %26quot;consulting%26quot; or %26quot;head hunter%26quot; firms, or the people in the military. So, the unemployment rates look low, because not as many people are coming through the unemployment offices. And yes, politicians like for the rates to appear low, because it looks like they are creating so many new jobs... this is a whole different subject, so I won%26#039;t get into it here. Good luck!
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