Unemployment rates are on the rise, what do you think would be a good solution to alleviate this problem and provide employment to those in need? Not only a temporary solution, but for the future generations, your children to come are going to need jobs as well.
What do you think America should do about rising unemployment?credit report
Overall the unemployment rates are close to the lowest in history. They should do nothing. If it is not broke, don%26#039;t fix it.
What do you think America should do about rising unemployment? loan
Kick all of the illegals out of the country or kick start the economy by creating small businesses.|||Controlling illegal immigration = more jobs for legal residents.|||Nothing. Employment is not what the government should be wasting our money on. They should be wasting our money pretending to defend us from the boogeyman.|||quit letting immigrants come here
ship all the ones that are here back to where they came from|||Agreed! Make the illegal immigrants leave, thus creating open jobs for us.|||Close off the borders and get rid of illegal immigrants. Especially Mexicans and Russians.|||when there is unemployment, that means that the nations output is getting slower(1930%26#039;s depression)...In order to boost a nations output there must be some fiscal and monetary stimulus like cutting down taxes or interest rates so there will be a raise in consumers confident, thus more investments will take place AND more consumptions which will lead to more productions of output thus more employment to fill all these production. When there is a heat in consumption and because every nation has scarce resources, there must raise again taxes and In. rates so they can keep up with these resources and prevent from their even more scarcing|||What rising unemployment rate ?
This year will go on record, as the 3rd lowest unemployment rate year ever recorded.|||Unemployment rates in the USA are not on the rise. Lots of new jobs have been created. The problem people are experiencing is that they aren%26#039;t going back to school to learn the new technology. While industry jobs have become less, computer type jobs have increased (all kinds of jobs that include the use of the computer). Other kinds of jobs that have grown are in sales, and teamwork type jobs, and internet jobs, and small businesses.|||this is really a math problem
E = Citiz + ILL+ Outsourced + HB1V
E-ILL -Outsourced- HB1 = Citiz
So we find that if we subtract illegals, Outsourcing, HB1 visas, that the employed will be american citizens. This is good for american citizens.|||Hard question since I was having a discussion with a man who has a Bachelor%26#039;s degree in economics and he stated that even if the US payed there workers the same amount China pays there workers - we would still have businesses leave and still be far below the game . It%26#039;s true because the US dollar is declining tremendously and is suspected to hit rock bottom by 2010 ! With the US dollar in a steep decline , there%26#039;s very little anyone can do with unemployment until it reaches its peak again .|||Fire our government and get out of the new world order|||Incentives for businesses that keep their facilities and employees in the U.S.
Penalties for those who don%26#039;t.
DOUBLE penalties for those who don%26#039;t resulting in children being put into comas from lead paint.
Reevaluate our insurance system and make the jobs that used to pay well pay well again by not siding with every frivelous lawsuit that comes down the pike resulting in higher liability insurance and lower pay all around.
Controlling our borders and upping deportation will help ont he lower end spectrum and should probably be done. But it is not the end all solution to the problem.
Incentive programs for organizations and companies who have %26quot;turn around programs%26quot; taking the less fortunate and putting them to work.
Higher enforcement on criminal checks. Illegal immigrents aren%26#039;t the only ones stealing money from the honest worker%26#039;s pocket. There%26#039;s also criminals that walk into Day Labor places across the country no questions asked.
Just a few thoughts.
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