Thursday, July 16, 2009

Some people say that our unemployemnt rate is very low. However that number does not count discourag

Some people say that the economy is strong because the official government numbers show a very low unemployment rate.

However that government number excludes workers who have become discouraged and have stopped looking for work because they know there are no jobs out there to be had, so there is no point spending time and money looking for something that is not there.

What do you estimate the true unemployment rate to be?

(The true unemployment rate is the official government rate plus the discouraged workers that have quit looking for jobs because the jobs are not available.)

Some people say that our unemployemnt rate is very low. However that number does not count discouraged workersbusiness loan

The government numbers are deliberately understated to mask the true extent of the problems and make the economy look much better than it really is.

For example, in Michigan and Ohio where I am originally from the number of people who have lost jobs in the manufacturing sector and cannot find replacement jobs is approximately 30% or more.

Those jobs are gone forever and they are not coming back.

That is unemployment comparable to the unemployment of the Great Depression.

They are not counted in the Government unemployment numbers because their unemployment benefits have run out and they are not looking for work because there is no work.

I am electrical engineer in Sunnyvale, California, the famous Silicon Valley.

Most of us are contract workers. At any one time approximately 20 to 30% of the people that I know in this industry are unemployed.

I noticed this morning in the newspaper that even Yahoo is laying off people because of the decline in business.

Millions of people all across the United States have lost their homes to foreclosure.

Several of my colleagues who recently lost their jobs are not able to make their mortgage payments and will lose their homes to foreclosure.

We are in a full blown Recession if not a full blown Depression.

The government numbers are artificial and do not reflect the true level of the problems in this economy.

The government numbers are like putting lipstick on a pig.

No matter how much lipstick you put on it it is still a pig.


Some people say that our unemployemnt rate is very low. However that number does not count discouraged workers


Definitely true. Can%26#039;t estimate unemployment number but it is much more than before Free trade with all these different countries and before exporting jobs and allowing corporations not to pay taxes by going abroad.

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