Friday, June 26, 2009

No housing recession, unemployment at 4.4, interest rates low, How will the phsycopath Liberals spin

Borrowed money and soldier at war artificially inflating the job market.

I%26#039;ve already seen it done.

No housing recession, unemployment at 4.4, interest rates low, How will the phsycopath Liberals spin this??bank loan

plus these are also cyclical patterns that occur regardless of what party is in office. the timing is just right to make your boy look good...

No housing recession, unemployment at 4.4, interest rates low, How will the phsycopath Liberals spin this?? loan

War|||We don%26#039;t need to %26#039;spin%26#039; sh!t.

We%26#039;re in a horrific war up to our necks with no sign of victory or a way out, our planet is dying in it%26#039;s own filth and our president only admits it when he has no choice, we are sliding towards fascism, the administration thinks that eviscerating the constitution is a good day%26#039;s fun, and you think that the fact that only a 20th of the population is unemployed is something to crow about?

This is why we can%26#039;t take you people seriously. You understand that, right?|||As a card carrying liberal, I say these are positive things.

However, there are other things in the world. This is just part of the picture.

I say, let%26#039;s celebrate the good and work on fixing the bad. Wanna join me?

By the way, several years ago, there was a country that was in a recession. Everything was crumbling. Then, a new party took office. The economy turned around, and was never better. Great, right? The party was the nazi party. Sure, they fixed the economy (and a bunch of other things), but there were other issues (such as mass genocide). Not that I%26#039;m comparing the current US administration to the nazi party. Simply saying that you can%26#039;t look at just one or two good elements and declare %26quot;all is good.%26quot;|||Unemployement at 4.4% but wages remain flat, that is how I would do it.

Also housing overall may be okay but there are areas that have had considerable decline in prices. You could argue that the drop in price will give more people incentive to buy new homes as opposed to buying one from someone that owes more than it is worth.

That is how I would do it|||I don%26#039;t know where you get your information, but please wake up to the fact we are in a serious housing recession.

Unemployment is low thanks to the proliferation of low paying fast food and retail establishments. From the tone of your question, you may qualify for one of these jobs.

Interest rates are low because the United States has flooded the world with dollars. Unfortunately, the United States no longer produces products because we exported our jobs, factories and industries to foreign countries. That forces the world to invest in our treasury bonds. Alas, the flood of dollars coming back into the treasury has produced an artificially low interest rate. But don%26#039;t get too comfortable with this cozy arrangement because foreign countries are starting to understand the game.

Now, I%26#039;m not a liberal or a conservative. I just think that people like you are irresponsible. Take some time to study the issues before you try to pick your next fight. I%26#039;m counting on your thumbs down. Any other response would cause you to think!

Statistics for GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, s/t real interest rates for Japan & Australi

This is the best place I go for info on different countries

Hope it helps

Statistics for GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, s/t real interest rates for Japan %26amp; Australia 2000-05?loan officer

this is notr school

Statistics for GDP growth, inflation, unemployment, s/t real interest rates for Japan %26amp; Australia 2000-05? loan

You can also try the CIA world factbook.

Is it legal to apply for unemployment insurance from a state I did not work in?

I%26#039;m asking only because my friends are contractors who live in illinois, were sent out to work in Texas, got laid off and drove to Massachusetts to collect unemployment (only becas Mass. has the highest insurance rate). I%26#039;m only asking because it doesnt seem right to me.

Is it legal to apply for unemployment insurance from a state I did not work in?quick loan

Contrary to popular belief unemployment is paid into by the employer not the employee, therefore the unemployment office has the employees complete work history. You can draw unemployment from one state and live in another but the unemployment is coming from the state worked in. Sounds like your friends are trying to slip through cracks in the system that don%26#039;t exist.

Is it legal to apply for unemployment insurance from a state I did not work in? loan

from experince I know you have to collect unemployment in the state in which you work. So they would have to collect in TX. this does not mean that they have to live in TX. I live in MO but collected unemployment in KS cuse i worked in KS.|||if it sounds like fraud... it probably is....|||You have to go back so many quarters and have worked then to collect unemployment. So you just can%26#039;t work a little bit and then apply for unemployment because you%26#039;re not going to get it. They%26#039;re pulling your leg.|||They must collect UI from the state in which they worked. The employer in that state pays into UI on their behalf, so when they collect, they draw against that employer%26#039;s account.

Unemployment benefits greatly reducing tax return. Should I not claim unemployment?

My AGI is $25800 and my return was $644. Amending my return to add a 1099-g for unemployment benefits of $358 will reduce me return to $391. No taxes were withheld from the benefits. This tax rate seems high. Are these figures correct?

Unemployment benefits greatly reducing tax return. Should I not claim unemployment?fast loan

Could be. If you leave the Unemployment OFF of the return, you can expect that anything you get will be recouped later and you%26#039;d be in trouble. Unemployment Benefits can have taxes withheld if you choose so that this limited liability is reduced. It is still income, albeit unearned (but a benefit derived from EARNED income).

It also depends on your exemptions, taxes paid in, any child tax credits (if eligible) and EIC.

Go have them done somewhere if you are unsure because the last problem you need is to be in trouble with the IRS over $300.

Unemployment benefits greatly reducing tax return. Should I not claim unemployment?


Unemploment benefits have to be claimed as income. If you don%26#039;t file them when the IRS catches up with the fact that they gave you a refund bigger than you were due you will owe taxes plus interest and penlaties.|||$358 of unemployment income is costing you $253 in taxes? Maybe you did something wrong? I would run your numbers through a free online tax program such as turbo tax. It could be that the small amount of unemployment compensation was just enough to move you into a higher tax bracket. Maybe you can find one more deduction that you missed?|||You are required to claim unemployment just like you are required to claim job income. If you don%26#039;t claim it, the IRS will eventually notify you that you didn%26#039;t and how much you owe - by that time you%26#039;ll owe much more because there will be penalties and interest added. The uc benefits have been reported to the IRS by your state, and there%26#039;s 100% chance they will notice if you don%26#039;t report it.

Of course it will cut your refund if you didn%26#039;t have tax withheld from the uc payments, or didn%26#039;t have enough withheld. That%26#039;s not an excuse to not file it.

Does unemployment insurance pay all of my check, or does my former employer have to pay more?

I was employed from January 2005 until June 2006 with employer A. I left employer A because I was offered more hours, a higher rate of pay, and moved my home 30 miles closer to employer B, which I started in February 2006. (Yes, I was working at both for a time).

Employer B made a statement once referencing a former employee, saying %26quot;And I am STILL paying her unemployment after all this time%26quot;

I have been laid off from Employer B as of 3 weeks ago. I am wondering....

1) If I collect unemployment, does it come from just the UI that was paid in by employers, or do they have to make further payments?

2) Would those payments come from Employer B, or Both A%26amp;B?

I understand that employers pay unemployment insurance, but I don%26#039;t understand if they actually pay more money when an employee makes a claim.


Does unemployment insurance pay all of my check, or does my former employer have to pay more?va loan

It%26#039;s called unemployment insurance because it%26#039;s an insurance program where employers pay in on behalf of employees. The money UI pays you come from the UI fund and does not come directly from B or A. Because B laid you off, it%26#039;s possible they are going to raise his premium in the future and it%26#039;s also possible B has to keep paying the premium for you until you are off the program. I don%26#039;t know how they do it. But, A will have nothing to do it.

Does unemployment insurance pay all of my check, or does my former employer have to pay more? loan

I wouldn%26#039;t go for any get rich schemes as most are a scam. Unemployment usually this goes by quarters and I am not sure how far back a quarter goes but usually it is the employer you worked for last year and it is figured by your salary at that previous job. You also have to earned a certain amount at your present job (the one you got laid-off) at in order to draw it from that previous employer. Both the employer and employee pay the money in, I think